Due to non-recoverable payments that we must make in advance to secure the retreat, kindly note that we do not offer refunds, under no circumstance. Exceptions to our policies cannot be made for any reason, including positively tested to COVID-19 or other health conditions, family or work emergencies, bad weather, or change of mind. If you cannot reach the retreat due to unforeseen circumstances such as strikes, weather circumstances, and missed, delayed or canceled flights or ferries, the retreat fees remain non-refundable. In the event of cancellation, we are willing to assist by sharing your reserved place on our social media platforms and with participants on our waiting lists. Places tend to sell once available, although we cannot guarantee their resale.


We will not be liable for any loss, damage, injury, or illness incurred during the retreat, and each participant should get health insurance that covers medical care and transport home if neededGuests are responsible for their own possessions and should take appropriate precautions to safeguard them.